31 Juil 2024

Understanding foreign exchange regulations when investing in Morocco

In today’s global economic landscape, Morocco stands out as a stable and attractive investment destination in Africa. It offers a strategic location and high-quality infrastructure, supported by proactive policies that make it an appealing choice for foreign investors.

Investing in Morocco: what are the options?

As a foreign individual or legal entity, there are several avenues for investment in Morocco, including:

  • Establishment of a company
  • Making equity investments
  • Contributing to shareholder current accounts
  • Issuing loans
  • Developing Real estate
  • Acquiring financial instruments

What should I consider about foreign exchange regulations when investing in Morocco?

Foreign investments in Morocco must be fully financed in foreign currency through a Moroccan bank. This allows for the repatriation of income and gains from the investment. This system, known as the convertibility regime, provides foreign investors with the flexibility to transfer their revenues and profits back to their home countries.

And what if the investment wasn’t financed in foreign currency?

If your investment isn’t financed in foreign currency, it’s important to know that Moroccan non-residents and foreign residents face restrictions. They cannot transfer their income (such as dividends, rental earnings, loan interest, etc.) or profits from selling investments that do not adhere to the convertibility rules back to their home country.

However, non-resident foreigners can:

  • Transfer their earned income, like dividends or rental earnings, freely, whether they are individuals or companies.
  • Send profits from selling investments in Morocco that do not comply with the convertibility regime abroad. This transfer typically occurs in four equal yearly installments of 25% each, starting when the funds are deposited into a designated bank account for this purpose.

For expert guidance on navigating Moroccan regulatory requirements and optimizing your investment strategy, contact us.

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